#Ideas #Science

Map Showing Christmas Traditions Around the World

There are indeed funny and unusual ways to celebrate Christmas holidays around the world. In that spirit, we prepared a funny GIS Cloud Christmas Map! The idea was to map funny and unusual Christmas traditions around the world. Besides that, you can search for the best Christmas cookie recipes while you’re listening to Christmas carols from around the world! If that’s not enough, we want to help you plan your holiday weekend getaway as we mapped the best Christmas Markets in 2017, selected by CNN Travel Portal.

Want to make your own funny Christmas map? Follow the 5 simple steps on how to create a map to cheer up your family, friends, colleagues and loved ones.

1. Try out GIS Cloud for free.

GIS Cloud Map Editor application is the perfect app to make memorable maps. You can start using it in a matter of seconds, without going through a long sign-up process.

2. Think about the map.

Think about the great moments and memories you had with your loved ones. Think about everything you achieved this year. Think about all obstacles you jumped over this year. Did you ever think that a memory map would be a great Christmas gift?

3. Mapping time!

Draw points, lines or polygons. Map restaurants, secret places, and hidden gardens. Let your imagination go wild.

4. Create your own vector basemap.

You can add a simple Satellite imagery as a basemap or you can play around and create beautiful and colorful vector maps. Thanks to the open data portals such as Natural Earth, you can download a world range datasets as well as regional ones to serve as a basemap for your map.

5. Visualisation game!

You can pick and combine your special icon dataset from the variety of predefined icons we offer on our platform or you can download free datasets. If you feel brave enough, you can even create your own custom icons and upload them to the map!

Do you like our Christmas map? Share with us your own idea of a Christmas map!

Try out GIS Cloud for free.




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Augmented reality platform Tango to join Google graveyard in early 2018

Project Tango

Long before Pokémon Go made augmented reality (AR) a household name, Google was pushing people to experiment with 3D motion and AR using their smartphones. Project Tango, launched in 2014, used 3D motion tracking and cameras with depth sensor to not only map a building’s interiors, but also to position the device in its surrounding space to let it know exactly where it is and how it moves in relation to the world around it. Needless to say, our geoawesome community of mappers was pretty excited about this technology.

But then, this August, Google introduced ARCore – a platform for building augmented reality apps on Android. Similar to Tango, ARCore also tracks the position of the mobile device as it moves, and builds its own understanding of the real world. And though ARCore’s data is not as accurate as to enable indoor navigation, it is enough to attract the attention and investment for some killer apps. Additionally, the new platform can estimate the lighting conditions in the area around it and allows you to pause your AR sessions and perform another task on your smartphone.

Google ARCore

Needless to say, the moment ARCore was announced, it spelled the death knell for Project Tango. The thing is, while Tango requires special hardware (additional cameras), ARCore is an Android-scale SDK compatible with a wide range of mobile devices. ARCore can bring augmented reality closer to many, many more people than Tango ever could have.

So, come March 2018 and Google will stop support for Project Tango. The platform’s Twitter bio now reads: “Tango will be deprecated on March 1st, 2018 and will not be supported by Google. Google is continuing AR development with ARCore.”

This is echoed by Nikhil Chandhok, Director – Product Management, who wrote on Google’s blog, “As we focus on bringing augmented reality to the entire Android ecosystem with ARCore, we’re turning down support of Tango. Thank you to our incredible community of developers who made such progress with Tango over the last three years. We look forward to continuing the journey with you on ARCore.”

Google expects around 100 million users to take advantage of ARCore by the time the platform comes out developer preview mode.

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