
Learn Advanced Google Maps And Earth With Google’s Free Online Course

mapping with googleAfter couple of courses about advanced search features Google announced a self-paced, online course developed to help you better navigate the world around you by improving your use of the new Google Maps, Maps Engine Lite, and Google Earth. The project is called Mapping with Google amd will be offered from June 10 – June 24. You will be able to choose whether to explore the features of Google Maps, Google Earth, or both. In addition, you’ll have the option to complete a project, applying the skills you’ve learned to earn a certificate. You can register here: g.co/mappingcourse.

Following previous Google online courses it will be based on posted video lectures after which you will get questions to answer. There will be Google Hangouts with experts, and at the end test for users who want to receive the certificate. But don’t expect much… these are just images with our name with no signatures, stamps etc… Learn more here:

source: Google Lat Long 

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The Music Map – Map Made Out Of 390 Song Titles

When ever there is any kind of crazy mapping project we are always interested in… and this one is definitely the one worth mentioning!  English design firm Dorothy collected 390 song titles and organized them into a city map. How many of these song name can you recognise? (of course besides “Highway to hell” and “Stairway to heaven” 😉

dorothy_0030b-song-mapsource: gisuser




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