Google Maps now lets you save location of your parking spot
Google Maps again surprises us with a small but very handy feature. You can now use the app to save a location of your parking spot. Google has long offered a parking reminder card in Google Now, but the Maps feature is much more convenient.
As reported by Ars Technica the feature is available for now in the latest Android app version (9.49) and it’s a bit hidden. To access it you need to click on your location’s blue dot (I didn’t even know that you can click on it) and a menu with extra features will pop up.
One of the options is called “Save your parking”. After pinning your location, it also allows you to take a photo, write a note and set a timer if you’ve paid for a parking ticket. Your spot will be marked on the map with a “P” icon.
Two months ago Google started to roll out its new parking availability service. I can imagine that this feature could be used as a data source about a parking occupancy. Another small step for Google’s domination of the navigation apps market.