
Geo Connect Asia 2024 – Malaysia outlook: Coastline and natural resources – JUPEM Department of Survey & Mapping

Geo Connect Asia 2024 | Young Geospatial Talent in Singapore | Roy Yuen | SLA

GCA 2024 | Developing geospatial knowledge | Dept. of National Defense, Philippines | Rommel Santos

Geo Connect Asia 2024 | Embrace new technologies for the construction industry! | Thomson Lai | @AECOM

Geo Connect Asia 2024 | Dream Project: the moving of a capital city – Nusantara case | Silvia Halim

How do trade events help you gain knowledge? | Cherry Ann Yacat | @EramenMinerals | GCA 2024

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Next Event 10.1.2024
Empowering Earth Insights: The Strategic Alliance of Planet and UP42


Jason Boone: Animating Maps for a Living, Working with Johnny Harris & Joining a Tech Startup

Accelerating New Space with Affordable Satellite Systems – A Satellogic Story

The Overture Maps Foundation: Do We Need a New Open Mapping Project?

Strategic Heights: Satellites, AI and Victory in War

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