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Utilizing map data to project a simplistic graph analysis

Mapping resources can be used for any manner of data collection, of which a variety of geostatistical analysis can occur, one of the more familiar of these being graphs. Creating a graph from multiple data sets sourced from multiple maps can be an easy, straightforward process when broken down into steps. The example I’ll be using here is an athletics map, one created to mark the locations of upcoming events for a collegiate sports team. By taking the location data and gathering the information on match wins, it’s possible to take initial points displaying a particular manner of information and extend them to portray a new perspective on the data; more specifically, analyzing the number of wins for a women’s football team in relation to both location (away vs. home) and weather.

This data surveying took place over a span of a month, with individual weeks being broken down into their own respective diagrams.

Creating the aforementioned diagrams from this data is relatively easy, and can be shown through any basic bar graph, as displayed. Two were made per each week, one displaying the away matches vs. the amount of wins that were achieved, while the other displayed the same information regarding home games.

While bringing in this information, I concurrently incorporated data from The Weather Channel’s interactive map. Weather information here could be utilized in two main ways, the first being the weather during the event itself, causing a direct action on the match. The second is the average weather forecast, which could have an indirect effect such as a change in location or other modifications.


When extracting this data and presenting it in a new format, it can then be displayed alongside the match data points, showing possible correlations between wins, location and weather. In this instance, this was achieved by taking the average weather per week, and creating a scatter plot representation that can then be analyzed in correlation with the accompanying match results, as shown below.

There’s a wide variety of visual representations that can be made using GIS data, and being able to create these graphs allows for further analysis that builds on the base map and its core information.

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Top 30 maps and charts that explain the European Union & Europe

What is the current state of Europe and European Union? On March 25, 1957, leaders of six countries – Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands – met in Rome and signed two treaties that established the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community, later transformed into the European Union.

Although Europe is experiencing growing turbulence related to migration crisis, terrorist attacks, and Brexit, among others, the EU project is still the best thing that happened to the continent after The World War II.  It allowed keeping peace and wealth for long years and we hope that it will stay that way for the next generations.

These maps and charts try to explain the sense of European Union and Europe.

1. History of the European Union

History of the European Union

source: Wikipedia

2. EU member states as of 2023

European Union member states as of 2023

source: Political Geography Now

3. Europe Physical Map

Europe Physical Map

source: GIS Geography

4. Parliamentary Seats in UE in 2024

Parliamentary Seats in Europe

source: La Moncloa

5. The map of Europe by how right- or left-wing the government is in 2022

source: Instagram

6. EU Institutions

European Union Institutions

source: EU

7. Corruption in EU in 2023

source: Landgeist

8. 2024 GPD forecasts

2024 GPD forecasts


source: europa.eu

9. Net average monthly salary

Net average monthly salary


source: Wikipedia

10. Currencies in EU in 2023

Currencies in European Union

source: Political Geography Now

11. Europe’s unemployment in 2022


source: Statista

12. Youth Unemployment in Europe in 2023

source: Eurostat

13. Europe’s ageing problem in 2020

UE's ageing problem

source: Landgeist

14. Share of population over 65 in 2023

source: Maps on the Web

15. Map of Europe’s population shifts

Map of Europe's population shifts

source: Landgeist

16. Immigrant Population in Europe in 2021

source: Landgeist

17. “Election” in European languages

18. Life expectancy in Europe in 2021

Life expectancy in Europe

source: Landgeist

19. EU member states and NATO in 2024

European Union member states and NATO

A map showing European membership of the EU and NATO

EU member only

NATO member only

Member of both

source: Wikipedia

20. Daily Alcohol Consumption in Europe in 2019

Daily Alcohol Consumption in Europe

source: Landgeist

21. Europe country most valuable export goodsEurope country most valuable export goods


source: visualcapitalist.com

22. Map of Schengen Area

source: Political Geography Now

23. Europe’s 100 Busiest Airports

Europe's busiest airports

source: Landgeist

24. Annual Working Hours in Europe

Annual Working Hours in Europe

source: Landgeist

25. LGBT Rights in Europe in 2024

source: rainbowmap.ilga-europe.org

26. The Largest Trading Partner of European Countries

The Largest Trading Partner of European Countries

source: Landgeist

27. Average elevation above the sea level

source: Instagram

28. European Transport Corridors

source: europa.eu

29. Terrorism in Europe in 2022

source: Statista

30. Europe’s Most Common Livestock

source: Landgeist

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