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“Uber” the taxi hailing app is planning to expand to China, India and the rest of Asia

Uber – the taxi hailing app that has been a big success in major cities across United States and Europe is now planning to drive all the way to China, India and the rest of Asia!

Uber-Taxi-NYC2-1024x615Uber has been planning the Asia expansion for a while now but it looks like they have finally taken the bite; job postings revealing the company’s plan for Asia. Bangalore – the Information Technology Capital of India is the latest on the list of Job Locations.

Uber’s swanky black mercedes and SUVs are all set to drive to Asia! But Uber needs to realize the Asian sentiments on pricing when it decides to set foot in this part of the Universe! If they can cut the ice in that regard, then I dont see any reason stopping them from capitalizing on the market 50% of the world population offers 😉


The expansion would make Uber the first of the big US tax-hailing apps to make a strong play for Asia. Hailo is planning to launch in Tokyo, but it’s not clear when that’ll happen or if it’ll be expanding beyond the single city. And while a handful of taxi-hailing services exist in major Asian cities, none have achieved Uber’s scale. Naturally, Uber’s initiative appears to be in its very early stages, though it does look like the company is finally moving toward making its interest in expanding through Asia a reality. Source: The Verge 

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Augmented Reality Helmet: Taking the Google Glass concept to the Motorcycle

First it was augmented reality based navigation for cars like in the James Bond movies; then came Google Glass with navigation and more, now a startup based out of Moscow – LiveMap is taking the Google Glass concept to your motorcycle Helmet!

Imagine a Google Glass that is built in to your Motorcycle helmet that projects information regarding traffic and directions in front of your eyes – might be a little distracting but its definitely futuristic!

LiveMap, a Moscow based startup is developing this “Google Glass” motorcycle helmet with a head-mounted display, built-in voice recognition and navigation. It will have a translucent, colour display that would be project on your helmet visor. The helmet will be English language-only at launch, based on android OS.

Unlike visor-mounted heads-up displays, which have been available for a decade, LiveMaps is fully integrated within the headgear and layers information in real space. The “augmented reality” helmet display includes a light sensor for adjusting image brightness according to external light conditions, as well as an accelerometer, gyroscope, and digital compass for tracking head movements. The digital helmet is also clever about minimizing distracted driving — a map is shown only when the rider’s speed is close to zero. Source: CNET

The "GPS" helmet

The “GPS” helmet

The helmet will be available in late 2014 in North America, UK and Australia.

Planning to buy one? Consider setting aside $2000 for this latest gadget! Yup, thats the price tag and if you wanting to be an early bird, LiveMap is planning to price it at $1500!

GPS Helmets… I am beginning to wonder what the next innovation the Geomatics industry has in store 🙂


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