Think, its Sunday! you are in your couch, watching movie; enjoying your laziness. Suddenly, you wished for a glass of fresh orange juice. what you would do to get it? Will you get up, put on your jeans and take a 3.5 km ride to have a glass of orange Juice? I wouldn’t. What I would love to do is, I will search the people around me (connected to Internet) within 300 meters (something like the idea of finding people in the flirting app ‘Lovoo’) and put a post to all of them, ”I want some fresh orange Juice, who can get me some?”. Maybe some of my neighbours have some fresh orange on their table and they can reply that they can provide me a glass of fresh orange juice, with a price of 2 Euro. Don’t you think, it would be just perfect! We will be able to have a glass of fresh orange juice, staying home. In the same way, you also can find someone (if you can take unknown people…) to share a cab towards certain direction from the airport. While I was thinking these, I was just thrilled. I got my phone and started looking for an app like that. But my poor and limited cell Internet made me tired. What if, there is a way to light up the entire world and finally all my neighbours have the cheaper, easier and faster Internet access!!! only then we can get our Juice in our door.

The next morning, bingo! I found some light; something high sounding shaky news! News of transformation, directly from fiber optic cables to balloons. The Balloon – Powered Internet for everyone. A project called, “Project Loon” going to make it happen. The main idea is to create a network of high altitude balloon and through this network, the Internet can be provided to the entire world. This would be faster, easier and cheaper. Isn’t is the way to bring affordable Internet to everyone? I would also be able to get my orange juice next time.

Small business, in the local neighbourhood grow fast because of Internet. The door of information kiosk can be open to all (the real all…). The term location will appear in a new form with more power. Communication wing will be flourished in a very dynamic way. Disaster can be monitored more efficiently. Just plug this network of balloons to any of your thoughts. I think you will find ways to find answer to many of your queries. I believe its not only be unlimited to opening Internet door to all but also answer with more convenient and easy solutions to lot of questions. Think! You are reading me in the bus on the way home only because you have access to Internet. Project loon is going make this precious opportunity affordable to all.