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Top 18 maps and charts that explain Oscars, Hollywood and The Film Industry

The Oscars are the most prestigious event in the Hollywood. Each year the Academy Awards brings its own set of drama — from nominations to what happens out there on the stage. This set of maps and charts will help you understand Oscars, Hollywood, and the film industry.

1. The settings of all films that won Oscar 1929-2013

source: Geoawesomeness

2. History of the Academy Awards

source: Visual.ly

3. Movies with the most Oscar nominations 

source: Statista

4. Oscar winners by age

source: ABC News

5. The Most Nominated Actors

source: Statista

6. Underground map of the best movies of all time

source: Vodkaster

7. Global film production map

source: Wikimedia 

8. Top box office hits by net profit

source: Randal Olson

9. Top movies by gross domestic ticket sales and budget

source: Bloomberg

10. Countries sized by relative share of worldwide box office revenue

source: McKinsey

11. China Becomes Second Largest Movie Market

Box office revenue in the worlds largest movie markets

source: Statista

12. The Decline of the Box Office

source: AoL

13. VoD on the rise

source: Statista

14. The economics of Hollywood

source: Visual.ly

14. Anatomy Of A Hollywood Car Chase

source: 800 Loan Mart

15. Arnold Schwarzenegger Kill Count

source: IMDB 

16. Liam Neeson Kill Map

source: Collider

17. Jason Statham Kickass Count

source: Visual.ly

18. Bollywood vs. Hollywood

source: Visual.ly

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Map of all Oscar winning movie sets

The last weekend of February means that it’s the Oscar Sunday. For GeoGeeks movies are not only about the suspense and story line but also about geographies. The map created by Victor van Werkhooven, Dutch photographer and designer, shows the settings of all of the films that won Best Picture at the Academy Awards between 1929, the year the Oscar was first awarded, and 2013. The author comments on how to identify the main location of the movie:

“What constitutes the “main” location of a film is very much arbitrary, and is based on either personal viewing experience or whatever IMDb or Wikipedia claims. If 60% or more of a film is set in one area, that’s the area that gets the label. If no area can claim that amount of screen time, I’m going for whichever area has the most significant impact on the plot, or is the one most people will remember the film for (again: very much arbitrary).”

What is clear looking at the map is that Academy Awards are extremely biased towards the USA and Europe. No Best Picture Oscar has been ever given to a movie made in South America and Australia. On the other hand New York is the city with definitely most of the winning films.

Enjoy the Oscar ceremony tonight!

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