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This surprising map shows origins of each player on Euro 2016 championship

Euro 2016 map GeoawesomenessAs the ongoing UEFA Euro 2016 football (aka soccer if you’re from the US) championship is keeping fans in Europe in front of TVs, Netbet released an interesting map that tracks the origins of all 552 players in the tournament and presents them as an interactive trademap.

24 nations are competing in France this summer, but in fact many more are represented through migration and ancestry. The map reveals that France has the longest list of athletes who were born abroad or have foreign ancestors (15 out of 23). Just below we find Switzerland with 14 out of 23. On the bottom of the list there is the team from Romania which is composed only of natives. Check it out:

Well… in football nationality can be a fluid concept but from the cartographic stand point the map does the job of presenting it really well.

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New Android Nearby feature will notify you of apps based on your location

I often wish that my smartphone was a bit smarter. Earlier this week I got stuck in a huge traffic jam… If only I had checked traffic on Google Maps before I pushed off. On the other hand in theory my smartphone knows that I take the same road 5 times a week and it should have warned me about the accident on the highway…

In practice our phones are much worse in understanding the routine and the context than we would expect. Google and Apple are trying to change it and they are making their operating systems smarter each year but they are still far from being really useful right when you need them.

Android Nearby Geoawesomeness

Last week Google unveiled a new Android feature called Nearby that aims to make your smartphone maybe not smarter but at least a bit more user-friendly. It will suggest you most useful apps and websites based on your location. For example if you’re at a museum, you might be notified of the app that offers the audio tour.  If you’re about to board a flight, your Android device may suggest you install the airline’s app for in-flight entertainment.

Nearby is rolling out to users as part of the upcoming Google Play Services update and it requires Android 4.4 (KitKat) and above. You’ll also need your Location and Bluetooth services to be turned on. The Bluetooth suggests that the feature will be supporting beacons, which is a good news to the beacon industry which is still struggling to monetize their business.

The feature is opt-in so it won’t work until you turn it on.


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