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The Humanitarian Kiosk (HKiosk): Do you have the very latest facts on humanitarian crisis in your pocket?

Dream! Dreams do come true. Here another thought got shape. One is Complete commercial (Apple), profit making organization another one is completely non-profit organization (UN-OCHA) came together and develops a system for all; The Humanitarian Kiosk (HKiosk). Walking together side by side, working for common good. Good example of social business spin.

The Humanitarian Kiosk (HKiosk)

Andrej Verity from UNOCHA Geneva thought about such a system to save life and here it’s real and in your pocket today for free. This application developed provides humanitarian information from emergencies around the world. On humanitarian emergencies this application can give you most recent update information automatically downloaded and synchronized to your mobile device while you are in the meeting room; no matter if you have internet access or not. This application also maintains the most basic and important internet norm; keep your privacy your’s. With this application I want few more things in this application. Unlimited cloud space and repositories and with bump technology integrated. For more: http://kiosk.humanitarianresponse.info/

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Google is Mapping the World’s New Year’s Resolutions

google-2013Academic research proves that it’s much easier to keep the New Year’s Resolutions when you write them down. Google is giving all of us the opportunity do it and share it with the rest of the world by adding it to Global Resolutions Map.

You don’t need to log in, or create an account. You just have to write down your New Year’s Resolutions, your postal code and the country and it will then appear on the map for the whole world to see.

The map uses Google Translate so whatever your language is, you can browse resolutions posted to the map anywhere in the world. You can also browse through the resolutions posted to the map by category (Love, Health, Career, Finance, Family, Education, Do Good, and Other).

If you’ve made a New Year’s resolution for 2013, how about adding it to the map – or check out what others have posted if you’re in need of some inspiration?

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