OpenTraffic : Free, global traffic speed data
One of the biggest advantages Google maps has over its competition is the accuracy of its real-time traffic information and it didn’t really come as a surprise when they acquired the Israeli startup Waze for around $1 Billion. Traffic data is incredibly valuable and is a critical input for any transportation based analysis/application.
OpenTraffic: A free, global traffic speed data set linked to OpenStreetMap built with open source software
Although one would expect traffic data i.e. current and average traffic speeds, etc to be openly available at least in some cases, it is actually quite hard to get this information. Conveyal, in colloboration with World Bank, Mapzen and Mapbox has announced the launch of OpenTraffic to process and aggregate a global, freely available traffic speed data linked to OpenStreetMap.
The project is still in the pilot phase and the official launch would be sometime later this summer with historic and real-time traffic data in cities around the globe. You can contact them via mail if you are interested in using or contributing to the project at this email address – info@opentraffic.io. OpenStreetMap is an amazing project. It is perhaps one of the biggest success stories that showcases the power of Crowd sourcing and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). OSM recently added A to B routing on its main webpage, although third-party applications have had this feature for years now. The additional of OpenTraffic dataset to OpenStreetMap is a great idea! It is definitely going to help strengthen the OSM community and applications like Skobbler that rely on OSM data.
Here’s the link to the project.
Source: Conveyal blog