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Newest Geo APIs, All Looking Awesome!

Hi folks!,  I promised to always keep you posted on latest Geo-APIs  emerging in our evolving Geo-world. Here are some awesome new ones courtesy of Programmable Web via All Points Blog. These Geo-APIs are really interesting, I am really gonna enjoy them and I do hope you do the same.

 RadMap API:  The service provides a mapped image for U.S. weather conditions as detected by NEXRAD weather radar stations. Also available are GOES imagery created by geostationary weather satellites for inclusion in GIS output, local storm reports, and warnings and watches issued by county authorities.

API methods support submission of a query with URL parameters that specify location, desired image size, and technical specifications for radar data to be selected. Returned data provide a link to a PNG image showing the most recently recorded radar results illustrated as storm cells, cloud cover, and related weather phenomena. Methods allow specification of location by named places according to the list in the 2010 U.S. Census.


 BODC GEBCO Web Map Service API:  The British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) is a national facility for maintaining and distributing data concerning the marine environment. They provide several web services for implementing this data, including the GEBCO Web Map Service.

This service provides access to the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans’ (GEBCO) global gridded bathymetric data set, enabling users to access geo-referenced underwater topographic maps over the internet. These can be viewed in a web browser or a geographic information system and incorporated with other web applications using REST (HTTP GET) calls.


Maa-Amet API: The service provides address information for real estate and properties in the northern European republic of Estonia. Data are provided by the Estonian Land Board, an agency of the national government, to generate physical and delivery addresses identifying locations within the country. The provider also offers mapping services.

API methods support designation of a location within Estonia with return data specifying an address in standard notation. Methods also support generation of Web Mapping Service (WMS) data to allow mapping of the location.


SeaZone HydroView API: The service provides marine mapping with configurable images showing depth and topographic characteristics of the world’s oceans based on detailed bathymetric data. Requests to the Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) can be embedded to generate images of a global location and the surrounding ocean. Depth and terrain features of the ocean floor are represented as aids to marine navigation, exploration, and research.

API methods support submission of a global location, stated in the request as global tile row and column plus zoom level. The API generates and returns a PNG image of the land and ocean floor topography at the specified location, represented as a digital terrain model with shaded relief and depth readings (soundings).


TomTom Geocoding API:  The service generates precise geolocation and mapping coordinates and standardized addresses based on user or application input specifying a location in varying formats. It also provides information relevant to the location, including businesses and other organizations nearby, geographic features, and places of interest. The precision of geolocation is influenced by the detail of data submitted to the service. General information about the location will return a neighborhood, postal code, or street, while more specific information can be resolved to a precise physical address.

API methods support submission of known location data, either as free text or structured parameters. Optional parameters include the street or thoroughfare, the section or specific spot along that thoroughfare, the postal code, and the district or neighborhood, city, state or province, and any other administrative zone (e.g., a county). Depending on the completeness of the request, the API returns mapping specifications for either a general area or a precise physical address in standard format. Methods allow either individual submission of a single location or batch submission of a group of distinct locations.


TomTom Map Toolkit API: The service provides map images for global locations to be transferred electronically as “tiles” that join together in a grid to display the complete map. Applications can submit location parameters identifying the area to be mapped, and the service breaks down image data for delivery to a single recipient or multiple recipients as a set of pre-rendered tiles allowing 18 zoom levels.

API methods support mapping requests specifying the boundaries of the tile locations to be mapped and the zoom level. Returned data provide pre-rendered tile images. Optional methods can also return travel routes and real-time traffic data as additional layers overlaying the map image.


Menumix API: Menümix allows you to view information about restaurants in regions of Germany with an emphasis on: available menu items, distance from your location, deals offered and cuisine type. The service provides a way for restaurants to market themselves online to a wide variety of potential customers. The Menümix API grants you access to the menu service information about restaurant profiles, current menus with a variety of POST and GET calls. Returns are in JSON or XML.

The API primarily caters to restaurateurs wishing to utilize Menümix’s information freely or for third party application developers who want to integrate Menümix’s regional information into their programs.


PostCoder API: The service provides lookup and validation of U.K. physical addresses for web applications that accept user input addresses. It compares data entered by a user against continually updated postcode address file (PAF) data from the British Royal Mail service, GeoData, and other authoritative sources of valid physical or delivery addresses. This validation improves delivery performance by ensuring that addresses provided by users actually exist and are correctly formatted. The same functions are available either as an installed product using local data or an interactive web service.


API methods support queries submitting character strings for a postcode and thoroughfare address as entered by the user and validate the address indicated, then return the correct version according to the Royal Mail or other recognized authorities. Where no exact match is found, the API returns an array of valid addresses nearest the entered location, allowing the application to perform further processing to select one of them.


Radioshack API: RadioShack’s cloud-based API suite allows customers the ability to create 3rd party applications that utilize the company’s online site information about: coupons, store locations and product availability. The Store Locations API allows you to find the nearest RadioShack store based on a determined location and features a GET request for closest stores and a call for the current API version.


Information from the Product Availability API includes: access to current stock levels (by SKU) and nearby stores, locations and distance to the nearest stores. The Coupon API allows consumers access to RadioShack’s various coupons. The APIs are REST based and semi-open (with login keys) and support returns in JSON and XML data formats.


SPOT Shared Page API: The service provides capabilities to upload one-way messaging from remote locations to a feed accessible by others. It transfers message data via satellites of the global positioning system (GPS) to allow hikers and others in remote terrain to report progress and emergency situations to those monitoring the service from distant locations.
Messages post to an established feed for access in varying amounts and timeframes suited to specific monitoring needs. API methods support retrieval of the latest message in a specified feed or all messages uploaded over a specified date range. For more comprehensive access, the API gives access to the most recent 50 messages or the entire feed in pages of 50 messages.
 Utah POLARIS APIThe Prehospital OnLine Active Reporting Information System (POLARIS) enables compliance by emergency response providers in Utal with the state’s incident reporting requirements. It replaces the Utah Department of Health’s the former Automated Incident System (AIS) allowing ambulance services and other providers to file prehospital run reports in NEMSIS-compliant format.API methods support incident reporting with formatting compliant with the National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS). Reported data include patient identification and demographics along with incident type, location, and timeframe
 Wait Time Calculator API:  The Wait Time Calculator is a simple API that allows users to clock wait times at polling locations around the US. The API also lets users report this data and display it on a Google map. Developers can use this information in their own applications and websites. The API returns poll locations by address or latitude and longitude, optionally returning wait times, national wait time statistics, by state, or for a specific poll location, and record a wait time for a specific poll location. The API uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in JSON.
The API returns poll locations by address or latitude and longitude, optionally returning wait times, national wait time statistics, by state, or for a specific poll location, and record a wait time for a specific poll location. The API uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in JSON.
weather-api.net API:   Weather-API.net provides weather information with focus on historical weather tracking. Information is currently available from 53 years ago with access to over 1.9 million datapoints. A hourly historical weather forecast is available as well. All of the information comes from government vetted sources of information and has been closely scrutinized for accuracy.The Server-based API (also Javascript available) allows you to place GET calls for multiple locations based on latitude or longitude, city name, country name, US zip code, dates and various types of weather conditions (precipitation). XML formatting is available, but JSON is the default.

Source : Programmable Web via All Points Blog.

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Apple Fires Its Map Manager

According to Bloomberg Apple has fired the manager responsible for its terrible mapping software.

“Richard Williamson, who oversaw the mapping team, was fired by Senior Vice President Eddy Cue, said the people, who asked not to be named because the information wasn’t yet public. Cue, who took over last month as part of a management shakeup, is seeking advice from outside mapping-technology experts and prodding digital maps provider TomTom NV to fix landmark and navigation data it shares with Apple.”

Apple is clearly seeking to win back the trust of users disappointed after the launch in September 2012, but I think that this won’t help. It just needs to be much better.

source: Bloomberg







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