Loopt – showing location-based Groupon deals
Loopt is a checkin app founded in 2005. The company produces mobile Location-based services that allows you to discover new places, download coupons, and share your location with selected friends. Not a bad idea but on the saturated market of location based social networks and some functional issues (spamming text messages) the Loopt was not a big success.
Location-Based Services with Groupon?
Loopt seems to be trying everything in order to survive in a saturated space. It is now partnered up with Groupon Now! in Chicago in order to provide Loopt users with locationally relevant realtime deals around them. Notifications of users will work even when app is not open, and the time sensitive Groupon deals will also appear on place pages within Loopt, so users can see and share with friends their favorite relevant deals. Currently the specific Loopt service is only available in Chicago but the company is planning to spread it nationwide.
Loopt has basically beat Groupon to bringing this Location-Based Service to its own app, while with Groupon users still have to type their zip code to get more locationally relevant deal notifications. But Groupon recently acquired Pelago, the company that have created Whrrl so their are probably working on a similar functionality right now.
According to Groupon 14% of subscribers interact with daily deal push notifications. So strategic partnership between Groupon and Loost seems to be mutually beneficial. But one can’t help but wonder when Groupon will apply this same technology to its own mobile app, what exactly that will mean for Loopt long term?
source: TechCrunch, Loopt

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