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Location, Location, Location – 1st Digital Meetup of 2021!

We are back with our first Geoawesomeness Digital Meetup for 2021! We are delighted to partner with our friends over at TravelTime platform to talk about how we can use transport and travel time data to choose the right home, office, or retail location.

Choosing where to live, work or open a new business means having the right location data at your fingertips. With transport and travel time data, we can get a more complete picture of the best areas to relocate to or invest in. Join us for this discussion as we explore how you can use transport and travel time data to gain unique insights and make better, more informed decisions on property and real estate.

About Geoawesomeness Digital Meetup

The main objective for us to host these meetups is to bring together the geospatial community to talk about the latest and greatest in the geospatial sector. Think of these events as an open-source project aimed at enabling conversations and cross-industry cooperation. Each event has at least one speaker from the industry that is using geospatial data and tools to solve problems.

In 2020, we hosted 8 meetups in total and we had a blast doing it. More than 3000 GeoGeeks from all over the world attended the events so if you are looking for (virtual) opportunities to network with the geospatial community, the Geoawesomeness Digital Meetup is the place to be!

The event is hosted by Muthu and Aleks. You will find their contact details below.

Muthukumar kumar https://www.linkedin.com/in/muthukumarkumar muthu@geoawesomeness.com
Aleksander Buczkowski https://www.linkedin.com/in/aleksanderbuczkowski/ aleks@geoawesomeness.com
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Geospatial Podcasts 2021

With in-person events canceled, Zoom fatigue making online events less appealing, and social media full of bad vibes, podcasts have become one of the best ways to stay abreast of geo industry trends. 

Whether it’s to get up to speed on the latest geospatial technology, discuss industry developments, or just a way to “hang out” with a friendly voice chatting geo, podcasts have become an essential part of the geo scene.  

Unfortunately, time has taken its toll on the list of geospatial podcasts published here on Geoawesomeness back in 2019 (link). Many have stopped publishing on any sort of consistent basis, so we thought it would be a good idea to refresh the list for 2021.

Here are the top 5 geospatial podcasts of 2021:



I’m obviously a bit biased because I co-host the Geomob podcast together with Steven Feldman. On a weekly basis we discuss themes from the geo industry, interview Geomob speakers, and provide regular updates about our own projects. Don’t miss episode 16 where I chat with Geoawesomeness’ very own Muthukumar Kumar.


Daniel O’Donohue interviews technologists from all across the geospatial world. MapScaping helps the listener learn more about GIS, geospatial, remote sensing and earth observation.




Scene from Above


Now in its third year, Scene from Above is the podcast for all things remote sensing and Earth Observation. A broad mix of industry news, commentary, and interviews. 




The longest-running geospatial podcast Hosted by Jesse Rouse, Sue Bergeron, and Frank Lafone, VerySpatial features regular discussions on geography and geospatial technologies.


Cagey James & GeoBabbler


A low-key monthly chat between James Fee and Bill Dollins about geospatial technologies old and new. 


Bonus podcast: Extremities Podcast


It’s not geospatial tech, and unfortunately doesn’t seem to be updating anymore (no doubt due to travel restrictions), but the first 3 seasons of Extremities are a delight for anyone who got into geo because they liked looking at maps of remote places. The series goes deep on “Why and how people live in earth’s most isolated and extreme settlements” visiting Pitcairn, Svalbard, and St. Helena. A lockdown treat. 

Make 2021 the year you add some geospatial to your regular listening. 

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