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Location Intelligence: Foursquare does an amazing job predicting Chipotle’s Q1 results

Two weeks before Chipotle was set to announce its Q1 results, Foursquare’s CEO wrote a blog post on medium predicting that the chain will see a 30% dip in sales. Can analysis of location data from a crowdsourced application help revel the sales figures of a company? For sure! Remember that time when Foursquare predicted the sales figures for iPhone 6s and got it right? (Read: Foursquare predicts iPhone sales figures).

Location Intelligence 

Chipotle announced its Q1 results earlier last week and guess what? The sales were down 29.7%. Its amazing how the analysis of location data can help predict the sales figures with such accuracy! Foursquare analysed the customer checkin traffic at more than 1900 Chipotle locations across USA to make this prediction.

Chipotle’s Q1 results prediction by Foursquare

A lot has been said about Beacon technology driving sales by delivering “smart” notifications and increasing brand awareness but maybe the whole idea might be more useful if it is used as a data collection tool for data mining and analysis!

If you are interested in learning more about Foursquare’s Chipotle prediction, head over to the medium post by their CEO. 

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Speed matters. Take part in the Fastest Map Engine Challenge.

Fastest Map Engine Challenge

Size matters? In the world of mapping speed matters even more. Most of us GeoGeeks experienced a challenge of processing of large spatial datasets… It can take ages. Our friends from GIS Cloud have launched an interesting project to test and compare speeds of different available web mapping tools and they invite you to join it!

We invite you to test existing cloud GIS service providers to find out which solution is the fastest in the terms of data upload, creating a project using uploaded dataset, and rendering speed.
Use hashtag #No1MapEngine on social media and upload your own comparison videos with dataset we used in the testing process (download here).
The best comparison video will be awarded with the lifetime premium license of GIS Cloud Map Editor.
Guys from GIS Cloud shared their own video to encourage you to take part in the Fastest Map Engine Challenge. Who will pick up the gauntlet?

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