How Often Does A Map Change The World? London Cholera Map of Dr. John Snow From 1854.
How often does a map change the world? In 1854, one produced by Doctor John Snow, has changed it forever. In the world of the 1850s, cholera was believed to be spread by miasma in the air. Germs were still not yet understood and the sudden and serious outbreak of cholera in London’s Soho was a mystery.
Dr. John Snow was trying to solve the mystery and help the people, so he did something every reader of Geoawesomeness would do – he mapped the cases of infection. The map represents each death as a bar. It became apparent that the cases were clustered around the pump in Broad (now Broadwick) street. Check out the map below:
And this is how the modern version of the map looks like by CartoDB:
source: Guardian