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Google Now shows recent earthquake map in search results

Recently we’ve reported about a cool (but scary) new real-time map of earthquakes around the world. We’ve learnt that Earthquakes are much more common than one might expect. Actually according to the U.S. Geological Survey there are approximately 40 tremors a day of a magnitude 4 or greater and earthquakes above 6 occur every other day.

Google also seems to be aware of it. The company has added a new info card to a search result. In the event of an earthquake, searches for “earthquake,” “earthquakes near me” or similar queries will give you an at-a-glance summary about the quake, right at the top of the search page.

Earthquake map Google Maps Geoawesomeness

Information will include a summary of the size of the quake and a map of the affected areas. Oftentimes, you really want to know whether you just felt a small earthquake nearby, or a larger earthquake farther away. You can than scroll further down for tips on what to do in this situation.

You can test it right away. Really good initiative.

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#Mapped: Game Of Thrones Season Six and all the “impossible” journeys

If you are a Game Of Thrones fan, the last thing you want is to be reminded (for the 100th time) that season six is over. But then, it’s time to begin the reruns and to chat endlessly about it. For starters, all those insanely fast journeys that everyone made in the GoT universe! What’s up with that GoT? Verge decided to write a TL;DR and mapped all these impossible journeys in a really interesting post (link). Check it out!

Game Of Thrones Season Six #Mapped – copyright TheVerge

From a fan perspective the map couldn’t be more amazing but it seems like the cartography could be so much more imaginative when it comes to visualising fantasy worlds. Do we really need to use the same cartographic expressions to map the real and fantasy worlds? But Winter is here and the map couldn’t have come at a better time.

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