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Geography of Hate – Geotagged Hateful Tweets in the United States

Twitter is a unique social media where people comment and share options… in a virtual world.  And this is where you can see the value of the spatial information added to your virtual life – Location-Based Services bring back the virtual content to the physical Earth! LBS has a power to link the online-content to a certain physical location which creates a whole new dimension and context that allows to change the data and information into valuable knowledge.

A great usage of this concept has been performed by Dr. Monica Stephens of Humboldt State University (HSU) who analysed millions of geotagged tweets identifying the geographic origins of online hate speech. Dr. Stephens’ students Amelia Egle, Matthew Eiben and Miles Ross analysed every geocoded tweet in the United States from June 2012 – April 2013 containing one of the ‘hate words’. They filtered 150,000 tweets which than they manually verified and selected those used in a unquestionably negative way.

Hate map 1

To produce the map all tweets containing each ‘hate word’ were aggregated to the county level and normalized by the total twitter traffic in each county. Counties were reduced to their centroids and assigned a weight derived from this normalization process. This was used to generate a heat map that demonstrates the variability in the frequency of hateful tweets relative to all tweets over space, so in other words proportional number of ‘hate words’, not just areas with the largest number of Twitter users.

I think it’s a cool project which shows how can you use location information as a source of knowledge. Of course such an analysis will never show the    attitudes of the whole population (only among Twitter users who consciously or unconsciously geotagg tweets), but it’s a valid probe at the scale that was impossible to gather in any other way.

source: The Verge

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Google’s Self Driving Car: The coolest Navigation “solution” from google!

I am unable to start a conversation about Google without this random quote“Few decades down the lane, Google will be remember as a manufacturer of self-driving cars whose business started off as a search engine”. Well truth to be told, it increasingly looks like Google Maps is going to be the future STAR at Google Inc.

Looking at the tweets and FB posts regarding the latest updates from the Google Maps stable, it is already a STAR in every right.

Google’s self driving car: A new image that has been tweeted by Bill Gross (Founder of IdeaLabs) shows the car’s 360-degree field of view. Mr. Gross however did not mention the source of the image.

Google's self-driving car.

Google’s self-driving car.

Well, if I ever to copy the standard rhetoric online regarding this image “it looks like a image out of the Terminator Movie”.

To me it looks MORE like a Laser Point Cloud!! Can’t blame me for being a GEO geek, can you! 😉

The car is supposed to gather almost 1 GB of data per second and analyzes the road ahead for potential hazards. Google launched the car back in 2010 but was not given a license to test it until May last year and so far  the testing has been positive.


The car uses Google maps and 15 cm resolution models of the world that include lane information. It utilizes real time laser data to measure where other cars and vehicles are. Besides it also analyzes speed, traffic signals and much more.



Google Maps in action


Laser scanning in action



Laser scanning measurements translated into objects

I simply can’t stop getting excited about this technology from Google. Amazing isn’t it. Not to forget the patent that Google recently applied for Augmented reality navigation. 

Source: DailyMail



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