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#GeoChat with what3words: Addressing the world

Here’s the entire post in 3 words – GeoChat.Geoawesomeness.what3words! Hmm, okay maybe we need to explain a bit more than that 😉


Join us for #GeoChat

Join us for our second #GeoChat with Chris, CEO of what3words, the startup that is literally changing the way world uses addresses.

Poor addressing is costly & frustrating in many countries, and  around the world it hampers the growth and development of entire nations. what3words is a multi-award winning system looking to change that and have addressed every 3mx3m square on the entire planet with just 3 words. – what3words

#GeoChat Twitter Q&A

Geoawesomeness has always been and is, all about sharing our passion and craziness for everything location and the #geochat is our attempt to broadcast our conversations with the coolest names in the geo-industry and get you, our readers involved in them, so get ready to tweet whatever questions you have about what3words and their work during the hour long #GeoChat on April 7th 19.00 UTC.

Save the date!

Since its an Q&A, we wanted to know (via Twitter of course), what would best day for you GeoGeek and it turns out thursday is the best way forward, at least for the moment.

About Chris Sheldrick

ChrisSquareZoomChris worked in the music business for 10 years, booking bands and managing production for events around the globe. Chris was constantly frustrated with suppliers not finding site entrances, and bands not finding their way from the hotel to their gigs. He tried distributing addresses and GPS co-ordinates for years but both failed him on numerous occasions – he was certain there was a better way: what3words was born.

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This maps show exactly what is located on the other side of the ocean

This maps show exactly what is located on the other side of the ocean

Have you ever wondered what is location on the other side of the sea, when looking deep into the horizon on the seaside? You might think that it’s quite easy to figure out but you need to remember that the cost line is not straight and therefore when standing perpendicular to the ocean at Long Island you might be actually looking at south cost of Australia rather than Portugal (if it’s hard to imagine play around with Google Earth).

Andy Woodruff a cartographer from Axis Maps decided to map it. He started with determining the direction of each point of the each coastline. Than he traced a “great circle” (a “line” along the surface of a sphere, starting and ending at the same point) trough each of these points and clipped it with land masses.

The effect is really mind bending and I must say that I had to spend some time with Google Earth to really believe it. It made me realize how much our image of the word has been distorted by inappropriate usage of Mercator project.



Take a look at maps for other continents.


This maps show exactly what is located on the other side of the ocean

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