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Geoawesome Meetup #22: Precision Agriculture & Smart Farming

We live in a digitalised world where every day, drones, autonomous tractors, hundreds of Earth Observation satellites collect data about our planet and our farmlands.

  • How can the industry extract actionable intelligence from these petabytes of data to enable precision agriculture and smart farming technologies?
  • How can AI and ML experts help farmers predict yield, reduce water usage, protect crops and automate farm operations?

We teamed up with 4 experts from the industry to learn from their experience and to understand the latest trends in the industry.

Join us to learn all about it from the top industry experts. You can register for this free event via demio or via LinkedIn.

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Global Top 100 Geospatial Companies – 2022 Edition

What are the top geospatial companies in the world right now in 2022? Since 2016, Geoawesomeness has been compiling THE list of the top 100 geospatial companies in the world.

The annual list is an essential source of information about companies that are utilising geospatial data and tools to solve problems and is aimed to help our community make sense of the ever-changing geospatial industry ecosystem.

Geoawesomeness is pleased to announce our #GlobalTop100Geo 2022 Edition. Hope you find the list useful.

If you have any questions regarding the list, please review the FAQ section at the bottom of this post. If you have further questions, comments and/or would like to collaborate with the team, feel free to reach us at info@geoawesomeness.com

Global Top 100 Geospatial Companies - 2022 Edition

Global Top 100 Geospatial Companies – 2022 Edition

Company Website Company Name Additional Info
www.1spatial.com 1Spatial New entrant
www.intelligence-airbusds.com Airbus New entrant
https://www.alcis.org/ Alcis Holdings Ltd New entrant
https://angelswing.io/ ANGELSWING Past winner – 2021
www.archai.io ArchAI New entrant
https://asterra.io/ ASTERRA New entrant
https://www.autodesk.com Autodesk Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://www.avuxi.com Avuxi Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://awesome-maps.com Awesome Maps Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://www.azavea.com/ Azavea Past winner – 2021
https://www.azimap.com/ Azimap Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://www.bentley.com/en Bentley Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://blueskyhq.in/ Blue Sky Analytics New entrant
www.carmenta.com Carmenta Geospatial Technologies New entrant
https://carto.com/ CARTO Past winner – 2019 and 2021
www.celantur.com Celantur New entrant
https://cesium.com/ Cesium Past winner – 2021
https://citymapper.com/ CityMapper Past winner – 2019 and 2021
civicmapper.com CivicMapper New entrant
www.cloudeo.group cloudeo AG New entrant
https://datacapable.com DataCapable Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://descarteslabs.com Descartes Labs Past winner – 2021
developmentseed.org Development Seed Past winner – 2019 and 2021
DroneDeploy.com DroneDeploy Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://ecometrica.com/ Ecometrica New entrant
https://www.ecopiatech.com/ Ecopia AI New entrant
https://ellipsis-drive.com/ Ellipsis Drive New entrant
www.emu-analytics.com Emu Analytics New entrant
https://eofactory.ai EOfactory New entrant
https://eos.com/ EOS Data Analytics Past winner – 2021
www.esri.com ESRI Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://foursquare.com/ Foursquare Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://web.archive.org/web/20220119131813/https://gatherhub.org/ Gather Past winner – 2019 and 2021
geosite.io Geosite, Inc. New entrant
www.giscloud.com GIS Cloud Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://www.google.com/?client=safari Google Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://www.here.com Here Past winner – 2019 and 2021
Hexagon.com Hexagon Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://hsr.health/ HSR.Health New entrant
https://web.archive.org/web/20230311040202/https://www.iconem.com/en/ Iconem New entrant
www.iventis.co.uk Iventis New entrant
Kaarta Past winner – 2021
http://live-eo.com/ LiveEO New entrant
http://livingmap.com/ Living Map Past winner – 2019
www.luxcarta.com LuxCarta New entrant
https://makepath.com/ makepath New entrant
https://www.mapbox.com/ Mapbox Past winner – 2019 and 2021
mapcreator.io Mapcreator Past winner – 2021
https://www.mapidea.com/ Mapidea Past winner – 2021
https://www.mapillary.com/ Mapillary Past winner – 2019 and 2021
www.mappedin.com Mappedin Past winner – 2021
https://maptiler.com MapTiler Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://maptionnaire.com/ Maptionnaire Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://www.marine-digital.com Marine Digital New entrant
https://www.maxar.com Maxar Technologies (formerly Digital Globe) New entrant
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/maps Microsoft Past winner – 2021
https://nearspacelabs.com/ Near Space Labs New entrant
https://www.nearmap.com/us/en Nearmap Past winner – 2021
www.nextnav.com NextNav Past winner – 2021
https://nianticlabs.com/ Niantic Past winner – 2021
https://opencagedata.com OpenCage GmbH Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://orbitalinsight.com/ Orbital Insight Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/ Ordnance Survey Past winner – 2019
https://www.pasco.co.jp/eng/ PASCO CORPORATION New entrant
http://www.pcigeomatics.com/ PCI Geomatics Past winner – 2019 and 2021
www.picterra.ch Picterra Past winner – 2021
https://www.pix4d.com/about-us Pix4D Past winner – 2019
https://www.thisisplace.org PLACE New entrant
https://placeholder-labs.com Placeholder Labs New entrant
https://www.planet.com/ Planet Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://positium.com/ Positium New entrant
https://regrid.com Regrid New entrant
https://www.roadbotics.com/ RoadBotics New entrant
www.satelligence.com Satelligence Past winner – 2019 and 2021
www.satellogic.com Satellogic New entrant
https://sensorup.com/ SensorUp Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://www.sinergise.com/ Sinergise New entrant
https://www.skywatch.com/ Skywatch Past winner – 2021
https://socialcops.com/ SocialCops Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://www.space-intelligence.com/ Space Intelligence Ltd New entrant
https://www.space4good.com/ Space4Good New entrant
www.sparkgeo.com Sparkgeo Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://www.spatial.ai/ Spatial AI Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://synspective.com/ Synspective Inc. New entrant
https://technatium.com/ TECHNATIUM New entrant
https://www.terrafirmaidc.co.uk/ Terrafirma – A Dye & Durham Solution New entrant
https://www.tolemi.com Tolemi New entrant
https://www.tomtom.com/ TomTom Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://www.topconpositioning.com/ Topcon Positioning Past winner – 2021
https://traveltime.com/ TravelTime Past winner – 2021
https://www.trimble.com/ Trimble Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://www.uber.com/ Uber Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://ubisense.com/ Ubisense Past winner – 2019 and 2021
www.up42.com UP42 Past winner – 2021
https://urbandataanalytics.com Urban Data Analytics Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://www.voxelmaps.com/ Voxelmaps New entrant
https://what3words.com/ What3Words Past winner – 2019 and 2021
https://worldfrom.space/en/ World from Space New entrant
www.xeoair.com Xeo Air New entrant
www.xyzt.ai xyzt.ai New entrant

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I ensure my company is considered and potentially makes it to the 2023 list? 

As the age old saying goes ‘out of sight, out of mind’ – if you don’t nominate your company then its very likely that your company isn’t considered. Therefore the best chance you have to ensure that your company makes it to the 2023 list is to ensure that you or a member of your company answer a few questions via our form.

Who decided the list? What was the process?

The list was decided based on the votes by 12 Geospatial experts from all over the world.

Companies nominated themselves via the online form. In addition to the official nominations, each panelist was also empowered to make further recommendations. Nominations and the company database used for 2019 and 2021 were also considered. A final pool of companies was complied and the experts reviewed all the details and cast their individual votes. The individual votes were tallied and the final global top 100 companies list was published.

Each panelist brings a unique perspective and has her/his strength in a specific area of the geospatial industry. Therefore each panelist was free to review the list through their unique prism. Company size, revenue, growth, X-factor, positive impact on society, diversity, longevity, open source contributions, and many more factors were considered. We are aware that one size doesn’t fit all.

Here are the experts who decided the 2022 list:

  • Dr. Nadine Alameh, CEO of Open Geospatial Consortium
  • Denise McKenzie, Chair of the Association for Geographic Information in UK
  • Justyna Redelkiewicz, Head of Section Consumer Solutions, Market and Technology at the European Union Agency for Space Programme (EUSPA)
  • Carly Morris, Head of Geovation at Ordnance Survey
  • Eldrige de melo, Director at Satellogic
  • Olivia Powell, International Lead at The Geospatial Commission in Cabinet Office and Co- founder and Director at Women+ in Geospatial
  • Sives Govender, Research Group Leader, CSIR, South Africa and Co- founder and coordinator of Environmental Information System-Africa
  • Jonathan Neufeld, CEO of TECTERRA
  • Osamu Ochiai, Senior Engineer, Manager for Satellite Applications and Operation Center at Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
  • Ng Siau Yong, Director of GeoSpatial and Data Division & Chief Data Officer at the Singapore Land Authority


Whom do I contact in case of questions or clarifications? 

Please send us an email at info@geoawesomeness.com

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