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Galileo Green Lane – Border Crossing Optimisation

In times of crisis, the importance of space assets for the safeguarding of the economy becomes more apparent. The Galileo navigation system, in particular, is a key enabler of EU responsiveness to crisis situations and has demonstrated its flexibility and utility during the COVID-19 pandemic. Galileo Green Lane is an initiative developed by the European GNSS Agency with the use of European funds to facilitate the movement of goods and freight within the EU.

Listen to Kwaku Sumah as he talks about how Galileo Green Lane is easing traffic at EU’s borders.

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Last-mile delivery in the COVID era

COVID is changing the global flow of goods. Some of it is temporary; some of it permanent. Listen to Hossam Bahlool from Mapbox as he talks about tools for on-demand and last-mile delivery services that make customers happy and helps scale operations.

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