The FAA get 300,000 drone owners registered in the first 30 days
In December, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that all drone owners will have to register them by February 19th. Yesterday FAA announced that almost 300,000 drone owners have registered themselves in the first 30 days after the FAA introduced an online registration system on Dec. 21. Thursday was the last day to register without having to pay a $5 fee.
300k drone owners registered is quite a good result. It’s not known exactly how many drone owners there are in the U.S. but hobbyists were projected to buy between 700,000 to 1 million devices in 2015 which many of them during the holiday shopping season.
Every US citizen above 13 years old who own a hobby drone, weighing between 0.55-50 pounds (0.25-22.5 kg) should register and I wouldn’t wait to long… The civil penalties for not registering your device include a fine of up to $27,500. Criminal penalties include a fine of up to $250,000 and up to three years in jail.
You still have 1 month to register your drone but we advise you not to wait until the last minute.