Next big thing for drones is here!
History simply shows us that of all the awful things about wars, they do have one positive outcome – development of new technologies! As sad as it may sound, it is a fact. From modern aircrafts to satellite systems to nuclear power plants, most of the technology we see around us might trace back to a secret project by a Military organization. Eventually they went on to change the day to day lives of millions of humans around the globe.
Drones, according to me is next on the line. There are several civilian applications associated with these wonderful human creations. The one that caught my attention was its application in Agriculture!
Precision farming has been the hot topic for more than three decades now. Drones can be used as the cheaper way to get more yield. Fitted with any Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), and with an aerial camera, along with a fertilizer/grain dispenser, drones can be a treasure in precision large scale commercial farming. One might think that it will cost millions of dollars to develop one, but hold on. We are not going to use it for a military operation. A group on Engineering students can develop a decent drone that can be adapted to agriculture and mapping farm lands.
Especially in countires where they are focusing their effort to go from subsistence to commercial farming, drones can be a cheaper option for precision farming. Japan and Brazil are already in the forefront of exploiting the potential uses of drones, and I suppose its about time the rest fo the world start looking into these little flying creatures to make the most out of them!
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