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Women in Geospatial+ writing webinar and competition 2021

A couple of months back, Rohini Swaminathan, a fellow member of the Women in Geospatial+ steering committee, introduced me to Anusuya Datta. We were talking about the WiG+ internal Newsletter and how to get more women into professional writing and an idea to organise a webinar and a writing competition was born. The goal was simple; we wanted to give women+ the tools and a starting point to begin writing articles, which could help them establish a professional presence in the geospatial community. I have never organised an event like this before, but I was excited to enable our members (and other women+ in the geospatial industry) to find their own voice and encourage them to take up writing, be it in form of blogging, articles or technical writing.


On September 8th 2021, Women in Geospatial+ held a webinar on Geospatial Writing. This was part of our ongoing webinar series on career development. We had three writers on the panel – Jasmine Fleming, Rhian French and Gavin Schrock. We talked about various topics revolving around writing in general, as well as writing for the geospatial industry specifically. Here’s the webinar recording if you’re interested!


During the webinar, we also announced the start of the Women in Geospatial+ writing competition, which we have organised together with GoGeomatics and Geoawesomeness. Participants could choose one of two topics to write an article about: “Geospatial for good” or a case study.

Women in Geospatial+ competition winner: Helen Mazalon

The winner was chosen at the end of October by the judges – five professional writers – Anusuya Datta, Jasmine Fleming, Rhian French, Gaving Schrock of GoGeomatics and Muthukumar Kumar of Geoawesomeness. In the end, since all the entries were of such high standard, we have decided to publish all of the contest entries and not just the winning one. The aim is to give the new writers a space to shine and the opportunity to get their work to the wider audience.

These are the articles that were submitted as part of the competition:

The Winner

The winning piece of the Women in Geospatial+ writing competition has been written by Helen Mazalon.  Here’s what one of the judges, Rhian French, said about the winning entry:

First person narrative worked well – I liked that she expressed her own views, particularly in the last paragraph, and wrote in a personable, easy-to-understand style. First hand experiences were described well and helped reader visualise the situations. Helen took a current international news topic and related it to wider global issues on sustainability. References were well-used and placed. I felt the article was the beginning of something you might read in National Geographic!

Women in Geospatial+

This was my first time organising an event like this and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I got to meet interesting people from the geospatial industry and we got to talk about a really interesting topic. At the same time, we have also provided the others with useful pointers to kick off their writing careers. It would have been hard to come by an opportunity like this had I not been a member of the Women in Geospatial+ network.

If you’re interested in learning more about Women in Geospatial+, have a look at our website www.womeningeospatial.org. Don’t forget to sign up if you’d like to be part of our community too!

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We’re building the future of the geospatial community and we need your talent

Geoawesomeness celebrated its 10th anniversary earlier this year and we believe it’s time to (re)envision the future of the Geospatial community! We are thrilled you’re considering working/volunteering with us. You’ll be joining a friendly, fun, innovative, and inspiring global community.

Over the past decade over 150 authors with diverse educational, cultural and linguistic backgrounds have volunteered their time and shaped the blog to what it is today – an open and global platform that connects the geospatial community and aims to tell the story of geospatial data and tools are transforming the world. This shared passion for all things location is what unites this diverse group of people.

Contract work 

  • Web developer and Digital designer: Help redesign the website and our logo. A creative brief with estimated budget is available for review. If you are interested, please reach out to us via email (info@geoawesomeness.com) by 25th November.

Join the team 

Not a web developer? Here are other ways in which you can contribute to our global community.

  • Blogging and content writer
  • Local meetup organiser (1st chapter already up and running in Munich, Germany)
  • Video content creator and editor
  • Community forum moderator
  • Advisory and Steering Committee
  • Geospatial for good Outreach Coordinator

What does Geoawesomeness offer?

  • A global platform to showcase your personal expertise and passion for geospatial.
  • Opportunity to network and connect with members of the geospatial community.
  • Take Geospatial to the world – help tell the story of how geospatial data and tools are transforming the world for the better.
  • A partnership for change – Do some real good by support organisations such as MapAction and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap.
  • A Diverse, inclusive and open platform: geospatial cannot transform the world without all members of our community being a part of it.

If you are interested in joining the team or need more information, please do send us an email at info@geoawesomeness.com.

P.S: If you are a student looking to do a paid internship, please do mention that in the email. 

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