“Vision Zero View” – The Most Dangerous Streets In NYC Mapped
New York City Department of Transportation has released a cool interactive map of traffic crashes, street safety projects, etc. as a component of the city’s Vision Zero Initiative. Vision Zero is a concept pioneered in Sweden and adopted earlier this year as New York City policy. The idea behind it is to redesign streets and traffic patterns with the goal of reducing traffic fatalities to zero.
The “Vision Zero View” website features four different tabs with different maps to visually track Vision Zero’s progress in New York City. You can view a map of traffic crashes, street design, outreach efforts, and the choropleth map with a summary normalised per districts of different sizes and populations. Each tab offers different way of filtering the data e.g. when looking at crashes, you can filter the results by type, by injuries and fatalities, by month and by year. You can also also use a slider to view monthly data dating back to 2009.
Data to project comes from city’s Traffic Accident Management System and other city databases which were previously not available to the public in such a unified, frequently-refreshed, user-friendly format.
Cool project.
source: Fastcodesign