A simple Collection of Some Cool GeoTools Useful for GeoGeeks!
Name | Description | User-Friendliness | Costs | URL | ||||||
Generate & collect geodata | ||||||||||
Python | Programming language (ideal for scraping) | medium | free | https://www.python.org/ | ||||||
kimonify | Scraping tool | simple | free | http://www.kimonolabs.com/ | ||||||
OutWit Hub | Scraping tool | medium | free | https://www.outwit.com/products/hub/ | ||||||
Tabula | Extract data from.pdf-files | simple | free | http://tabula.nerdpower.org/ | ||||||
OpenPaths | GPS-Tracking for Smartphones | simple | free | https://openpaths.cc/ | ||||||
Google Location History | GPS-Tracking for Smartphones | simple | free | https://maps.google.com/locationhistory | ||||||
GPS-Logger | Device for recording GPS-positions | simple | under 100€ | |||||||
GPS-Visualizer | Geocoder for small to medium amounts of addresses | simple | free | http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/geocoder/ | ||||||
OpenStreetMap | Exporting OSM Data | simple | free | http://overpass-turbo.eu/ | ||||||
Processing, Cleaning and Exporting Geodata | ||||||||||
MS Excel | Data processing | simple | cheap | http://www.microsoftstore.com/ | ||||||
MS Access | Storing and processing data | medium | medium | http://www.microsoftstore.com/ | ||||||
Notepad++ | Texteditor (works well with large csv-files) | simple | free | http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ | ||||||
CSVed | Editor for .csv-files | simple | free | http://csved.sjfrancke.nl/ | ||||||
open / google refine | Data processing/cleaning | medium | free | http://openrefine.org/ | ||||||
DataWrangler | Data processing/cleaning | medium | free | http://vis.stanford.edu/wrangler/ | ||||||
Operations and File Converting | ||||||||||
Mygeodataconverter | Online converter for diverse geodata file formats | simple | free | http://converter.mygeodata.eu/ | ||||||
GeoConverter | Online converter for diverse geodata file formats (incl. WFS) | simple | free | http://geoconverter.hsr.ch/ | ||||||
ShapeEscape | Data converter (shp to JSON and Fusion Tables) | simple | free | http://www.shpescape.com/ | ||||||
Mapshaper | Geodata simplification (reduces complexity and file size) | simple | free | http://mapshaper.org/ | ||||||
Google Earth | Displaying and creating .KML-files | simple | free | http://www.google.de/intl/de/earth/ | ||||||
QGIS | Geographic Information System (GIS) | medium | free | http://www.qgis.org/de/site/ | ||||||
ArcGIS Desktop | Geographic Information System (GIS) | hard | Not Free | http://www.esri.de/ | ||||||
PostGIS | Database system with geospatial extensions | hard | free | http://postgis.net/ | ||||||
Visualization and Publishing | ||||||||||
Mapbox | Create individually styled webmaps | simple | free | https://www.mapbox.com/ | ||||||
CartoDB | Create individually styled webmaps, host geodata in the cloud | simple | free | http://cartodb.com/ | ||||||
QGIS2LEAF | Export-Plugin for QGIS (install via Plugin-Manager) | simple | free | https://github.com/Geolicious/qgis2leaf | ||||||
Leaflet | Create and publish individual webmaps (Javascript) | medium | free | http://leafletjs.com/ | ||||||
Open Layers | Create and publish individual webmaps (Javascript) | medium | free | http://openlayers.org/ | ||||||
D3 | Multitalented dataviz framwork (Javascript) | hard | free | http://d3js.org/ | ||||||
Tableau | Analyzing and visualizing (geo-)data + publish to web | medium | free | http://www.tableausoftware.com/public/ | ||||||
Tilemill | Render your own map tiles | medium | free | https://www.mapbox.com/tilemill/ | ||||||
Fusion Tables | Data processing + creating webmaps | simple | free | https://support.google.com/fusiontables/answer/2571232 | ||||||
StoryMap js | Create animated (story) maps | simple | free | http://storymap.knightlab.com/ | ||||||
Odysee js | Create animated (story) maps | medium | free | http://cartodb.github.io/odyssey.js/ | ||||||
ColorBrewr | Color advice for maps | simple | free | http://colorbrewer2.org/ |
Source: Mappable.info
Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Satellite Imagery: A Concise Guide with QGIS Application