
Must have for every geo-geek – new Google’s Earth View extension for Chrome

If you consider yourself a geogeek this news is definitely for you. Google has launched a new extension to its Chrome web browser called Earth View. Every time you open a new tab in your browser it displays a beautiful Satellite image from Google Maps. And the coolest thing about it is that you can click the globe icon in the corner and see the photo inside Google Maps.

Earth View


This simple project is so cools that I’ve been opening new tabs in Chrome for 30 minutes before I started to write this post. It’s a must have.

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Send your name into Space on NASA’s Journey to Mars

Interested in etching your name in the emptiness of space? How about taking the one way ticket to Mars that MarsOne was offering? Well, that option does sound a bit too adventurous but NASA has a really cool idea to counter just that and help us be part of the Space folklore. Instead of packing all your bags and saying “Adios” to Earth, we can now send our name into space on NASA’s Journey to Mars, Starting with Orion’s First Flight later this year!

NASA is inviting us to send our names on a microchip to destinations beyond low-Earth orbit, including Mars. The first flight is scheduled for December 4th abroad an Orion Spacecraft that will circle the Earth twice in a journey that will take approximately 5 hours before re-entering the atmosphere at speeds approaching 20,000 mph / 32,200 kph and temperatures near 4000 degrees Fahrenheit / 2,200 degrees degrees Celsius.  Interested in learning more about Orion’s first flight, here’s the link.

Image Credit: NASA

Image Credit: NASA

Get your Boarding Pass to travel to Space! Here’s the link to submit your name. Wondering what is the last date to get your ticket? 30th October, 2014! Maybe this Halloween you can dress up like an astronaut! Afterall, you got the boarding pass from NASA as proof 😉

Send your name into Space on NASA’s Journey to Mars #JourneyToMars.

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