
Map of America’s favorite Christmas artists by state according to eBay

Ebay map of most searched artists state-by-state (US)

eBay calculated the artists that its users search for most in each state. The map shows some interesting patterns.  Terry Redlin is the most popular search in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas. Never heard of him? He is the guy who paints the kind of Christmasy winter landscapes we’ve all seen at the house of an older relative or dentist’s office waiting room.  In California people adore Frida Kahlo.  In Michigan the most popular was a Baroque painter Artemisia Gentileschi and in New York Banksy. The question is why would eBay want to track the most-searched artists, not the most-purchased?


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Geoawesome Maps of 2014

It is the love of maps and everything spatial that unites us and I can’t think of a better way to express it than by quoting Wisława Szymborska!

Flat as the table
it’s placed on.
Nothing moves beneath it
and it seeks no outlet.
Above—my human breath
creates no stirring air
and leaves its total surface
undisturbed….. (contd)

I like maps, because they lie.
Because they give no access to the vicious truth.
Because great-heartedly, good-naturedly
they spread before me a world
not of this world. – Wisława Szymborska (Read the full poem).

Here is a collection of some of the most Geoawesome maps that were featured on Geoawesomeness this year, I’m sure, we missed many more interesting and Geoawesome maps, do send us all those cool maps that we missed out this year. Maybe we need a separate post for the maps that were featured on Facebook and Twitter alone.

For more Geoawesome maps, follow us on Twitter @Geoawesomeness and like us on Facebook/GeoAwesomeness and our twitter hashtag for maps is #GeoawesomeMapOfTheDay!

Geoawesome Maps

Since the new year is around the corner, check out this one on “Happy New Year Tweets“. Got more appetite for nostalgia, then “Travel back in time with Google Street View‘.

The Power of Maps

Maps are not only a really nice form of visualization, they can help make a statement as well!

Augmented Reality Maps

Augmented Reality and Geospatial Tech go hand in hand, there have been a lot of really cool augmented reality applications using Geospatial data, Audi showcased a really cool augmented reality table map at CES 2014!

Map Art

If you ask a cartographer, they will surely agree that Maps are a piece of art but what happens when you convert a map into another form of Art. Find out more

Interactive Maps

Maps Search Engine

Global Warming

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