Jabberly App Allows To Get Real-Time Feedback From People At The Location
When you want to go out, you’d like to have a live feedback about what’s happening right now at the location. Yelp and Foursquare gives you great info about the general atmosphere, but it’s usually not real-time, so you might find review what to order but you won’t get information how busy it the bar tonight… Jabberly is trying to solve that problem and has launched an iOS app that allows people to use their mobile devices to ask questions about a particular location and get answers quickly from those who are already there.
Ok. But even if you’re social media savvy, giving real-time feedback to people asking is a kind of effort… Jabberly found a cool way to give users incentives by including a feature called jabberCRED that can be earned by providing insider tips and recommendations. These points can be used as virtual currency to receive real money vouchers. Currently the service operates on iPhones only in US with the biggest concentration in San Francisco.
Unfortunately the idea is not entirely new… you might already now Localmind… however the concept of giving users tangible incentives is really cool and this is what might the biggest future success factor of the app.
source: The Next Web