
Is the job interview more about your skills or the relationship?

InterviewThe job interview is very much about you building a relationship with the interviewing panel and making a great impression.

If you have got to this point your resume should have done its job in letting the prospective employer know that you have the skills needed to do the job, so now is the time to make a great first impression. If you are not getting to the interview stage, then maybe it is time to revamp your resume.

The GeoSpatial Industry is very much a technical profession so it is inevitable that the interview panel will ask some questions around your skills and experience but is the way that you answer them will determine how you rank above the rest of the candidates.

How to make a great first impression?

Arrive early

Always make sure you arrive early for your interview. There are always going to be traffic issues or something that comes up at the last moment, so do not leave this to chance. Be early and be eager.

Dress appropriately for the job interview

Even if you are applying for a field job take the time to dress for the interview. Remember you are trying to make a good impression. Do you hair, brush your teeth (am I starting to sound like your mother!), take a look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself “would I hire this person?”


A smile will help break the ice with the interview panel. Depending on your customs, shake hands or great the interview panel politely. In many cases the interview panel will introduce themselves but if they don’t make sure you do.

Ask questions

Do not be afraid to ask questions of the interview panel about the job, the company, the conditions, and the culture. People love to speak about themselves and their company. If the panel members are talking it is less you have to say and also helps to build the rapport between you and the panel members.

Use personal examples

When answering the questions always use personal examples in every time. This shows not only that you understand the question but also have the skills and experience they are looking for. Keep your answers short but always ask if you have covered the answer in enough detail.

Be Remembered

I was reading something today in preparation for this article and one writer made the comment to say something that the panel would remember you by. Something that is completely out of the norm, something that will stick in the minds of the panel.  As a personal example, “I recently came back from trekking in Nepal and was amazed by the beauty of the country and reliance of the people. I spoke with a couple of GIS professionals there who despite the hardships are using GIS technology to help their country grow.” This sort of example people will remember as it is not somewhere that many people go.

I trust you find this information helpful
Dean Howell
Founder and CEO Geospatial Connect

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Interview with Alex Polyakov – Co-Founder of Locomizer – start-up which believes that our location = our identity

Alex copyRecently, I had a pleasure to talk to guys from Locomizer – UK-based start-up which believes it will make many based on a simple idea – our location = our identity. Below you can read the outcome of my conversation with Alex Polyakov – Co-Founder of Locomizer.

Hello Alex, thanks for talking to me today.

Hi Aleks, thanks for having us.

What is Locomizer?

UK based Locomizer is an enterprise location analytics company, which was recently named by Mashable as one of the top 25 startups in the UK. Their world’s first Audience Discovery Engine powered by Biology-inspired proprietary algorithm creates highly-targetable user interest profiles by identifying user behavior patterns from location updates (directly from mobile phones or via mobile apps). This enables their enterprise customers to uncover the right audience for the right targeting, resulting in higher mobile marketing ROI along with increased conversion and engagement rates.

The business ecosystem you operate at is quite complex. Where in the value chain of AdTech are you?

In the Adtech, we are positioning ourselves as a data management platform (DMP). Locomizer helps make sense of big location data. We translate mobile phone user behaviour such as location history into distinctive interest profiles, making them ideal for relevant targeting. Our solution enables marketers to create highly targeted, premium ads that drive higher marketing ROI. Simply saying, we can answer the question of “WHO TO TARGET?

What is your business model? Is the market mature enough for Locomizer? 

MoscowThere are several revenue sources for us. As a DMP, we will make money by taking a revenue cut from each targeted ad delivered by using our insights about customer or location. We are also going to provide paid API-based access to our Geo-Behavioral Interest Graph, an aggregated view of footfall traffic by interests and time. Imagine that you will get a detailed, rich, contextual knowledge of any given place by hour, day, week or month. As the result, you will be able to make a decision of “WHEN AND WHERE TO TARGET YOUR AUDIENCE.”

What is your competitive advantage over other companies in that area like Placed, PlaceIQ or Factual?

There are several points I would like to lay down to answer your question:
1. We extract customer interests based on primary activities at visited locations and/or from the context of activities associated with these and all other location points visited by the person.
2. We extract customer interests equally well from very accurate and inaccurate (up to 800m accuracy) location data.
3. We extract customer interests from incomplete location history (based on the context of activities associated with the known location points).
4. Our scale of interests is much more granular (one location point -> interest scores to all activities) and richer (it includes the repulsion part, i.e. negative interest to activities, which people tend to avoid). Hence, our profiles are much more accurate and precise.
5. Our profiling is privacy proof, i.e. locomizer’s interest profiles can be transferred and/or exchanged safely with third parties.
6. Our profiling is real-time and objective: there is no human indexing (judgement) involved.
7. Our solution is inspired by Nature and has an inherent meaning in contrast to correlation analysis and machine learning techniques.

CellYour approach seems to very interesting. Tell us something more about your biology-inspired algorithm.

Backed by more than 10 years of scientific research on spatial pattern formations in mixtures of cells, Locomizer has developed a proprietary, Biology-inspired algorithm that is superior to existing machine-learning and data mining approaches because it is designed by the Nature itself. Nobody understands better than us how to apply Biology to explain and predict human behaviour around places. For more, please see above.

Locomizer seems to be very promising location-based start-up. You are in two start-up accelerators, you’ve got your first round of funding. In which place are you right now?

We have finished our engine’s beta version and actively running several pilots with limited partners and prospect clients to validate the technology in the real-life conditions.

You’ve manage to transform you idea into business. Please give some hints to our Geoawesome readers who would also like to transform their ideas into real-life project.

There is no magic formula really. You need to believe into what you are doing – determination, determination and determination. You will surely go through some moments of despair when nothing seems to work and you will not pull through it if you do not believe into your idea, yourself or team. Of course, for the first-starters getting into the incubation program should be very helpful as they will get mentors and tools that will help turn the idea into ready-to-launch product.

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