#GeoChat Highlights: Open Source & Hybrid GIS with Boundlessgeo
In case you missed the #GeoChat on Open Source and Hybrid GIS last month, we got you covered! Here are the highlights of what was a truly entertaining #GeoChat.
Shall we get started?
Andy Dearing, the CEO of Boundlessgeo who was the invited guest on #GeoChat kicked it off in style! 10 extra points for doing your homework, Andy 😉
Getting all my #hashtags all cued up for #GeoChat…learn from the best: https://t.co/cGZGhQhAu4
— Andrew Dearing (@adearing) October 27, 2016
Open Source & Governments
great question – yes. Gov is encouraged to look at #opensource #gis first – reduce lic. fees, interoperability #geochat
— Andrew Dearing (@adearing) October 27, 2016
Interested in programming?
@qgis plugins can be written in #python or C++ – can bld your own workflows / processes; #geoserver is in Java #geochat
— Andrew Dearing (@adearing) October 27, 2016
Open Source in the BI market?
we would like to see Microstrategy and others integrate w/ @opengeospatial standards;we do heavy #GIS, BI tools do BI #geochat
— Andrew Dearing (@adearing) October 27, 2016
How good is Open Source GIS?
@QGIS has gained significant adoption. Customers realize 80% of what they do in ArcMap is avail. in @qgis #geochat
— Andrew Dearing (@adearing) October 27, 2016
Okay, what’s the 20% that’s still missing?
Fair ? – we haven't, but the @QGIS comm. does a great job; one article I like is this one: https://t.co/DX0wQIcgYk #geochat
— Andrew Dearing (@adearing) October 27, 2016
If you were to begin transition to a Hybrid GIS solution, where would you start?
Suggest you read @GeoCalamito blog post: https://t.co/VDPvMoyhns you can start at the db and go up, or vice-versa #geochat
— Andrew Dearing (@adearing) October 27, 2016
And the most important question that everyone wanted to ask 😉
Is Boundlessgeo working on Self-Driving cars?
we would have guessed a hybrid 😉 #GeoChat
— Geoawesomeness (@geoawesomeness) October 27, 2016