Foursquare Testing Paid Ads For Small Businesses in NY
Foursquare is finally making one huge step forward to monetize their business. Last year 4-year-old start-up which employs over 200 people had just $2 mln revenues, which is basically nothing. From some time already they’ve been trying to switch from typical check-in app into local discovery tool and I must say that they’ve done a pretty good job. This changes move 4sq from the business model where large corporations buy sponsored badges for thousands of dollars into large-scale advertising for small venues.
Why Foursquare has a huge potential to rock among small venues that want to advertise on-line? Because it’s the only advertising network where you can have exact conversion rate from people who saw or clicked on the sponsored content and physically entered the venue. It’s something like real-world affiliate marketing where you can pay only for results. Of course right now we don’t know which model will be chosen by Foursquare…
Today Foursquare is starting to test new features with several venues around New York… About 20 advertisers are taking part in the pilot, among them Mario Batali Restaurants, Best Buy, the BR Guest restaurants, the Gap and Old Navy, Hertz, Hilton hotels, J.C. Penney, and Walgreen. Let’s wait for the first results…