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Foursquare Released ‘Foursquare for Business’ App

merchantapp_sidebyside (1)I’ve been writing in previous posts that Foursquare is heavily trying to monetize their service as investors are pretty cold about giving more money to start-up that made just $2 mln in revenues last year.  In 2011/2012 we’ve seen several spectacular changes to 4sq including: adding ‘the explore tab’, Yelp-like rating system, several improvements for business owners e.g. events, and modifications to privacy settings. In 2013 they continue the evolution and they’ve just launched ‘Foursquare for Business’ app for iOS and Android.

On Foursquare’s blog, the company explained the rationale behind the standalone app for business owners:

Over a million businesses use Foursquare to connect with their customers using our free tools. But sometimes, when you’re running around on the floor, it’s hard to hop on a computer and post your latest happenings, like the spring collection that just arrived or your newest menu item. So today, we’re releasing the Foursquare for Business companion app to help business owners share news with their customers, right from their phone.

The app is currently limited only to venues in US and it’s got pretty limited functionality: it allows to create an update and share it on Facebook and Twitter simultaneously, view recent check-ins, turn specials on and off, and check stats… but it’s a good way to go and a major step forward. Making it easier for business will make it more attractive for users, and I think that I don’t need to explain this simple relation;). Good job 4sq.

source: Foursquare

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Location-Based Emergency Condom Delivery App – Cool Campaign By Durex

SOS CondomLocation-based apps are usually made to make our life easier. Location-based taxi hailing, location-based pizza delivery, emergency services… Although I can imagine a couple of other emergency situations Durex thought about this particular use case… location-based emergency condom delivery app called SOS Condom. The service is running a trial in Dubai right now. I’m not sure whether it will expand to other countries (as it might not be the most cost efficient service that one can imagine) but it’s a really cool location-based marketing campaign.

How does it work? 

Durex App“Ever noticed you never seem to have a condom when you need one?” – we can here on the commercial… so basically when you’re in Dubai and you find your self in a similar situation (the service is available between 4PM and 4AM) you can go to SOS condom website or use the iPhone app. First you need to be in Dubai and locate yourself on the map. Thaen you can choose ‘your product’, delivery option and pay on delivery (55 United Arab Emirates Dirham = 15 US Dollar).

Delivery options

The coolest idea in the campaign are delivery options to choose from: pizza delivery man, police officer or tourist not to draw any suspicions of your date;).



It’s really awesome viral marketing campaign with a really cool use of location-based concept and I think that many of you geo-awesome people keep you fingers crossed that it will become a regular service in many cities around the world besides Dubai:).

source: Mashable

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