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Esri Developer Sweepstakes: 5 Years of Geoawesomeness

If you are a developer or an aspiring developer, you are probably going to love this sweepstake from Esri! As part of the 5 years of Geoawesomeness celebrations (yup, the blog is really that old 🙂 Esri is giving away (lets watch Steve Ballmer say developers developers developers first…)

Esri is giving away all these over the next days for Geoawesomeness readers

How do you participate? You have multiple options – you can register for our newsletter or if you already subscribed much earlier (thanks 🙂 for that) you can either tweet or post on Facebook/Instagram telling us why you want the free passes! Do use #GeoDev and @geoawesomeness @esri so that we don’t miss your message 🙂 #LiveByTheCode


P.S: You can create a new ArcGIS developer account if you don’t already have one. Existing members can also participate in the giveaway 🙂

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Celebrating 5 years of Geoawesomeness

5 years of Geoawesomeness.com

5 year ago I had this crazy idea that I could start a blog about everything awesome that happens around location. I was reading all the tech blogs and the GIS portals and frankly speaking I didn’t like what I see. GIS websites were boring and formal, tech blogs were cool but when non GeoGeeks were writing about geospatial technologies, you could immediately tell that they had no clue what they were talking about.

So I had this thought, why don’t I do something in between, cool and informal like tech blogs but written by a geo professionals and GeoGeeks who actually knows the industry from inside. This is how Geoawesomeness was born. Unexpectedly you guys started to read it… I was writing every two weeks, than every week, twice a week… I’ve launched social media channels, decided to invite some GeoGeeks from my university and Muthu reached out to contribute to the project… Together we had this even crazier idea… Maybe this could actually be the best and the biggest geo blog out there… Here we are 5 years later. A lot of things happened in my life, a lot of things changed. I grew up. I got married. I got a serious job. But one thing did not change and will never change. My and our passion to location and sharing with you our thoughts about everything geo.

Thank you Guys for being with us and reading Geoawesomeness!!!
Stay tuned for the next month we’ll have a lot of cool giveaways for you! Check out our social media channels from time to time to learn more!

BTW. How do you like the new logo and graphics?

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