GPStoo: The new age of positioning!
GPStoo “The new age of positioning” has announced itself to the world at a time when there is increased excitement and anxiety in the GNSS and positioning industry; Excitement about the possibilities of Indoor positioning and marketing, anxiety over the possible jamming of GPS/GNSS signals and the subsequent loss of navigation and timing services.
GPStoo provides three-dimensional indoor and outdoor positioning using Existing broadcast signals.
A lot of positioning companies in the recent history have been trying to penetrate the indoor positioning market using WiFi, Cell Towers and many more “out-of-the-box” ideas. Some with success while many have failed to take off. GPStoo promises a lot and hopefully this technology will take off.

Positioning accuracy is a few feet in a windowless
commercial building with thick concrete walls.
No GPS service was available.
The uniqueness of GPStoo lies in the fact that it’s not only an indoor positioning service, it also provides outdoor positioning.
“GPStoo works at places where GPS does not”! This opens up a magnitude of applications and possibilities that would otherwise be limited by the indoor-outdoor divide. At the moment, equipment that can track GPS/GNSS satellites need special or alternative sensors and receivers to be able to provide indoor positioning. This could change for the better if GPStoo is adopted.
With its indoor and outdoor positioning capacities the only hindrance happens to be the accuracy of positioning; which is reported to be 3 meters or 10 feet (Lat, Long and Height). If over a period of time, GPStoo is able to achieve position accuracy at the sub-centimeter level then it opens the doors for more people and companies to utilize it.
GPStoo utilizes existing broadcast signals which ensures that they don’t have any common vulnerabilities and resistance to jamming. More importantly, its independent of GPS networks! GPStoo had recently completed field trails and has begun operation in Southern California, USA. United States wide operations are said to be rolled out in 2013.
GPStoo certainly looks like an exciting technology, something that is not just a GPS alternative or indoor positioning service alone. Although no information was available regarding the exact frequency at which the “broadcast signals” operate, my guess is that they have to be near the commercial telecommunication services which makes it Global. In addition, for GPStoo to be able to project itself as a viable and complete alternative to GPS/GNSS for outdoor positioning, Timing applications have to be supported.
Here’s the link to their website GPStoo – the world’s first three dimensional indoor and outdoor positioning system.
These are exciting times for Location enthusiasts!
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