Bucket List Maps Project: Making Maps Awesome Again!
“They were maps that lived, maps that one could study, frown over, and add to; maps, in short, that really meant something.” – Gerald Durrel, Author of the book “My Family and Other animals”
Maps were once regarded as a canvas where the artist, in this case the cartographer not only tried to represent the information he had to but also added that artistic touch to it! Maps were one of the very first drawing that humans created to understand the world around them better. Maps have an aura around them or rather had the aura. Looks like they don’t these days!
Where does the art of maps stand today?!
Is this really the way we want maps to look from now! Maps no longer look like art, they lack the charm and elegance that we usually associate with powerful visualizations like maps. Even maps emerging out of Hollywood movies look better than the ones that are supposed to created by artists – the Cartographers. Map making was considered an art and the map on top certainly looks rather drab.
Guess I wasn’t the only one who thought maps were getting boring.
A venture by a group of “bearded” Germans (as they call themselves) “The Bucket List Maps” is aiming to “Put the Awesome Back in Maps”. Bucket List Maps – quite a name for the project! Inspired by Morgan Freeman – Jack Nicholson movie by the same name I suppose! Nevertheless for any person who consider himself/herself to be a Spatial enthusiast, a map of your own interest has to be there in the list of to do’s, bucket list, ambition, call it by any name.
“World maps used to be awesome and inspiring. Now they’re boring. We’re fixing that with bucketlistmap – a map of everyone’s bucket list!” – The Bucket List Maps Project Team. Want one of their cool maps? You can order their Surf Trip, Snow Boarding and Football maps for 25$ on their website.
THE map that I want to have on my wall – “A map of all the historic places in the world”. What’s your Bucket List Map?
Here’s wishing good luck to Simon and Lars from the Geoawesomeness team 🙂 Let’s keep it awesome!
Update: Awesome Maps was recently featured by here on their blog “See the world differently with Awesome Maps”. Good going guys!