
Attend GeoSkill Project Workshop in Netherlands

Initiated by the Dutch and the Geo Employment Market Foundation (SAGEO), the GeoSkill Plus Project is an ambitious project aiming to match labour market needs with geo education offer in Europe.



“Geo Skills + is a European Commission funded project under DG Education and Culture, Leonardo da Vinci programme. It began in October 2013 and will run until October 2015.
The aim of this two-year project is to enable European countries to exchange best practices and innovation with each other regarding the mismatch between Europe’s geospatial vocational education and training and the geospatial labour market. There is a growing need for well-trained students at all levels – vocational, bachelors, masters – in the field of geospatial technologies. This is because there are a growing number of jobs available in land surveying, mapping data collection, data processing, data delivery and turning data into information.

With the increase of jobs, the GEO education community has to be able to keep pace and produce enough qualified graduates. In order to tackle these issues the Geo Skills + consortium was formed. The Geo Skills + project will host activities such as workshops, roundtables, surveys and desk-top studies, where the European GEO community will be involved.

The plan is to identify and set up optimal ways to Raise Awareness of GEO studies and increase student enrolment. Geo Skills + will also identify gaps between the supply of GEO jobs and the demand for qualified graduates in different European countries, and set up ways to bridge the gap. Ultimately a Cooperation Model will be created that identifies all stakeholders and offers them the steps necessary to improve Europe’s position in the global geospatial market”


Following the three main objectives announced by the GeoSkill + actors, here are the main topics that will be discussed during the workshop:

  • Bridging the Gap:   What are the challenges towards meeting the needs of the labour market?
  • Raising Awareness:  What has been done so far in Europe?
  • Cooperation Model:  Who are the key players that need to take responsibility in order to improve the geospatial labour market?

Who should attend? 
– Teachers of geospatial technologies
– Students of any field that has a geospatial component to it
– All levels of Government using geospatial technologies
– Companies that need skilled geospatial technologies employees
– Other stakeholders who feel attracted to this event

Why you should attend:
–  Learn about the very innovative Geo Skills Plus project.
–  Hear first hand from several country representatives about their challenges of linking  geospatial Vocational Education and Training (VET) to labour market needs…and what they are doing about it.
–  Share your own stories
–  Give us your suggestions for an insfrastructure to improve cooperation between education and world of work.
– Network with european key actors in the field


Follow the Project on Social Media for more news!


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The interactive map of taxi trips in New York city

In order to optimize anything such as money, time, efforts and resources, one should understand the ground realities and behavioral pattern on how things are changing over time. But, in case of location based business, it has to deal with additional dimension, obviously it is ‘LOCATION’.

Here, I am talking about an interactive map (HubCab tool) which presents behavioral patterns of over 150 million taxi journeys in New York city and put them on online map canvas which was built by Audi and MIT researchers.


It is aimed to help people and researchers to track down where, how, and at what times different parts of cities become stitched together as hubs of mobility and understand its economic and environmental impact. The online project is expect to lead to new insights into how car sharing schemes could work.

Screenshot of HubCab, showing all taxi pickups and drop offs at JFK airport daily between 3AM and 6AM.

Screenshot of HubCab, showing all taxi pickups and drop offs at JFK airport daily between 3AM and 6AM.

Main underlying data for this HubCad tool is a data set of over 170 million taxi trips of all 13,500 Medallion taxis in New York City in 2011 and then mapped using open source maps of New York City to create the interactive maps. (Source)

With this information, researchers can identify commuter travel patterns and work to develop a more efficient car share system.

The MIT researchers say that HubCab technology could not only save people money and time, but also make it easier to plan travel around the city. They also say a ride sharing scheme could cut the number of taxi journeys by 40%.

MIT and Audi are interested in solving future mobility challenges, such as the increasing mobility demands that are placed against limited infrastructure capacity.

A simply awesome research and project !!! What’s on your mind?

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