One word, #GeoGeeksInCars! Yup, it exactly what it sounds like – awesome videos of GeoGeeks in cars driving around and talking “Geo” stuff with Glen Letham, who is among many things the CMO at Geo Jobe.
GeoGeeksInCars is the geo-world’s version of Jerry Seinfeld’s famous “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” + the geek talk of course! Here’s the complete YouTube playlist (all 18 episodes until now that Glenn has made so far).
P.S: Glenn, we totally love the videos! Keep em coming 🙂 #GeoGeeksInCars
#Geoawesomeness! Keep em coming @gletham – #GeoGeeksInCars w/ @EsriStartups https://t.co/8XcuioWu9o
— Geoawesomeness (@geoawesomeness) August 15, 2016
A Beginner’s Guide to GeoHumanitarian Mapping Organizations
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History of GIS | ESRI – A Pioneer in GIS Technology
AI Assistance in Creating 3D City Visualizations